Islands of Kinship


Entitled 'Climate Justice in Art Institutions: How to Infiltrate ⤵︎,' this engaging workshop delved into innovative strategies for fostering climate justice within the realm of art institutions. Participants were invited to explore various mechanisms of infiltration, each symbolized by a unique natural entity: Fruit flies, Polypores, Lupine, Large blue, Termites, and Siphonophores. Through interactive worksheets and group discussions, attendees were encouraged to envision art institutions they wished to infiltrate and creatively emulate these natural mechanisms as strategies for activism and resistance. By intertwining ecological metaphors with practical activism, the workshop fostered thought-provoking dialogue and inspired actionable steps towards climate justice within the art world.

Islands of Kinship interconnects and transforms the practical functioning of six mid-scale visual art institutions across diverse European regions (Prague, Bratislava, Bitola/Skopje, Cologne, Helsinki, Riga) in an innovative collaboration model addressing issues of inclusion, kinship and togetherness, democratic exchange and the ethics, emotions and practical solutions for environment-friendly institutional operation.

Stop Hatred Now


#StopHatredNow is an intercultural and anti-racist platform organised in collaboration with several art and intercultural organisations. The platform strives to create discourse and offers tools to create a more inclusive, diverse and feminist art field; inclusivity, diversity, non-discrimination, accessibility and social as well as ecological sustainability are issues that determine the future of every art and cultural institution.

Diseño y Diaspora 


“They tell us in this interview how they are opening spaces for reflection and interest in sustainable design, with ideas and inspiration from the Global South. In the future, they are interested in creating a specialization in deconolonial studies at the university. Soon they are going to do an exhibition on works that came out or are now being produced in the design department that represent decolonial ideas.

This interview is part of the lists: Design students, Designers' collectives and cooperatives, Colombia and design, Finland and design, Guatemala and design, Chile and design. The lists are found on our website, in the recommended section.”

Listen here (in spanish). 

Elokapina: El agua vale más que el oro
